I was digging through some really old files of mine when I found a weird, unfinished little drawing I completely forgot about and don’t think I’ve ever posted anywhere. I thought it’d be fun to try fixing it up and finishing it all these years later!
The old version is here. Warning: ENORMOUS, HILARIOUSLY WEIRD-LOOKING COCKS. This was many years ago when I was juuust starting to try drawing them, long before I actually felt comfortable posting futa or anything like that. Guess I got a bit over-excited!
An alt that brings back the dicks (albeit much less ridiculous-looking) and recasts the two characters as pervy crossdressers can be found at the bottom of this page. (Click the pink box!)
There’s a lot about this that still looks pretty wonky to me anatomy-wise, but it was fun trying to re-work it without redrawing from scratch!